October 25, 2021
How to Install Toggle Bolts
What are Toggle Bolts?
Toggle bolts, also known as butterfly anchors or molly bolts, are a great way to secure objects to hollow walls, such as drywall, sheetrock, or plaster walls, when a stud is not available. These two-part fasteners are comprised of a screw, or bolt, and spring wing toggle attachment. When inserted into a wall the wings open and distribute the weight of the hanging object to ensure a secure mounting.
How to Install Toggle Bolts
1. Choose the right bolt and wall location
When working with toggle bolts you need to find the correct solution for the weight of the object you are hanging. Different toggle bolts will allow you to secure differing weights depending on the material of your wall. You also will need to make sure that your threaded fastener is long enough to go through the object you are wanted to secure to the wall and deep enough into the wall for the wings on the toggle to deploy outward. You can find more information on specifications for toggle bolts here.
If you are installing more than one bolt, make sure to measure and mark the locations for an even installation. When choosing where to install, always check first for electrical and plumbing that could be running behind the wall.
2. Pre-drill the holes for your installation
The holes for your toggle bolt installation will need to be pre-drilled. The diameter of your hole will need to be wide enough to fit the winged section through when it is folded closed. If your hole is not big enough the winged toggle will not fit for installation.
3. Prepare your object and fastener
Insert the threaded fastener through the object you want to secure to the wall, and then screw the winged section onto the end of the fastener. The winged toggle must be far enough away from the object/fastener head to allow for it to be completely inserted into the wall.
4. How to install butterfly anchor
Fold the arms of your toggle bolt inward towards the object and shaft of the threaded fastener. With the wings pinched down, insert the anchor of the toggle until the wings are able to deploy behind the wall.
5. Tighten the fastener
Pull the fastener until the wings are braced on the back of the wall material, and use a screwdriver or power drill to tighten the fastener. If the wings are not securely braced, the fastener will spin without tightening.
The team at AFT Fasteners is available for questions and orders, or order your toggle bolts easily online here.