- AWS A5.8 RBCUZN-C (UNS C68100)
- Low fuming bronze (bare and flux coated) is a general-purpose, copper base alloy brazing rod used extensively for gas brazing steel, copper alloys, cast iron, nickel alloys and stainless steel.
- Its low fuming characteristic and good mechanical properties make this alloy a widely used general-purpose product.
- Preheating is recommended for some applications and a bronze brazing flux is required if the rod is not coated.
- This brazing rod has a low melting point making it easily machinable and excellent for sheet metal work.
- This alloy also possesses high tensile strength and good ductility.
- Brazing Range: 1330-1550 Fahrenheit
- Melting Point: 1630 Fahrenheit
- 60,000 lb tensile strength