Oval Head Machine Screws: Size Chart and Specifications

 Oval Head Machine Screws

Oval Head Machine Screws - Slotted & Phillips Size Chart


A H O J T M R N F G Phillips Driver Size
Head Diameter Head of Head Slot Dimensions Recess Dimensions Protrusion Above Gaging Diameter Gaging Diameter
Side Total Width
Depth Diam. Depth Width
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Ref Ref Ref Max Min 
0 .112 .096 .035 .056 .023 .016 .030 .025 .068 .036 .014 .047 .031 .078 0
1 .137 .120 .043 .068 .026 .019 .038 .031 .070 .039 .015 .053 .035 .101 0
2 .162 .144 .051 .080 .031 .023 .045 .037 .106 .060 .018 .058 .039 .124 1
3 .187 .167 .059 .092 .035 .027 .052 .043 .118 .072 .019 .064 .044 .148 1
4 .212 .191 .067 .104 .039 .031 .059 .049 .130 .086 .019 .069 .048 .172 1
5 .237 .215 .075 .116 .043 .035 .067 .055 .152 .073 .028 .075 .053 .196 2
6 .262 .238 .083 .128 .048 .039 .074 .060 .172 .092 .030 .080 .057 .220 2
8 .312 .285 .100 .152 .054 .045 .088 .072 .186 .107 .031 .091 .066 .267 2
10 .362 .333 .116 .176 .060 .050 .103 .084 .202 .125 .033 .102 .075 .313 2
12 .412 .380 .132 .200 .067 .056 .117 .096 .264 .140 .038 .113 .084 .362 3
1/4 .477 .442 .153 .232 .075 .064 .136 .112 .284 .160 .040 .129 .095 .424 3
5/16 .597 .556 .191 .290 .084 .072 .171 .141 .384 .226 .065 .155 .117 .539 4
3/8 .717 .670 .230 .347 .094 .081 .206 .170 .404 .245 .068 .182 .139 .653 4
7/16 .760 .715 .223 .345 .094 .081 .210 .174 .416 .257 .070 .195 .150 .690 4
1/2 .815 .765 .223 .354 .106 .091 .216 .176 .430 .271 .071 .212 .163 .739 4


Six Lobe Oval Head Machine Screw Drawing

Oval Head Machine Screws - Six Lobe Size Chart


D H C M R F G Driver Size
Head Diameter Head Side
Head Crown
Recess Dimensions Protrusion Above Gaging Diameter Gaging
Recess Penetration
Gauge Depth
Max Min Ref Ref Ref Max Min Max Min
6 0.262 0.238 0.083 0.045 0.132 0.055 .0.045 0.080 0.057 0.220 T15
8 0.312 0.285 0.100 0.052 0.155 0.071 0.055 0.091 0.066 0.267 T20
10 0.362 0.333 0.116 0.060 0.178 0.090 0.070 0.102 0.075 0.313 T25
1/4 0.477 0.442 0.153 0.079 0.221 0.105 0.085 0.129 0.095 0.424 T30